Sometimes, God Answers our Prayers by giving us Instructions
God is answering our prayers. It’s just there are times when He gives us instructions first before we get what we prayed for. And the sad part is, we find it hard to follow what He is saying because it’s not what the world is saying. That’s why before you pray for something to happen, get ready to receive His instructions first. Prepare your heart and increase your faith. You may not clearly see the path that He wants you to take, but all you have to do is listen to His voice and follow Him. Sometimes, you will only receive the blessings He prepared for you as long as you choose to obey Him. Everything will make sense one day. Just continue to hold His hands.
Pray for a humble heart that is willing to receive His instructions. Do not rely on what you see. Trust that God knows everything, and He wants you to receive the best blessings. But you need to acknowledge first His sovereignty in your life. Let Him reign and direct you to the right path. Maybe you can’t see His blessings because you choose to entertain your own thoughts, and you fail to listen to His words. Follow Him, and you will not feel so broken and lost. He is the way, and in Him, you will discover the truth that will set you free.
God wants you to grow and learn. That’s why there are times when you need to experience trials and challenges. But that doesn’t mean He wants to destroy your life. He is just building your foundation. He is teaching you how to listen to His voice and how to faithfully obey His instructions. You will never be the same person after you overcome the hardships in your life. Only then will you realize that God is preparing you for the blessings He wanted you to receive. Just choose to listen to His voice and put Him at the center of your heart.
Remember that God doesn’t always give what you want in an instant. It takes a process and obedience. The journey will not be easy. You need to give up your selfish desires so that God can reign in your heart. There will be moments when you treat yourself as your enemy, but you don’t have to worry. Because God will teach you how to be patient with yourself. The process may take so much time and courage, but the reward is always worth it.