
Sometimes, God Answers Your Prayers To Make You Realize That It’s Not What You Need

Have you ever experienced that moment when you badly wanted to achieve something and cry out to God just for Him to give it? And then, the moment you receive the very thing that you’ve been praying for, you ended up feeling empty and not satisfied. You think that it will make you happy, but it didn’t. That’s when you realize that what you prayed to God is something that you don’t genuinely need.

God has His own way of surprising us. He wanted us to realize something very important. Most of the time, we can’t learn it from others’ experiences because God wants to personally teach it to us. He wants you to know that there are things in life that are more important than what you have in mind. And for you to realize it, He needs to give it to you first so that you can personally tell if you truly need it or not?

Whatever you’ve been telling to God through prayers comes from deep within. So if your heart wants to have something, then you would probably ask it to God. And sometimes, instead of not answering your prayer, He would give it to you, and He will let you assess if that prayer is worth it or not. He wants to expose your heart so that you will realize the things that you needed to change. And only then will you personally discover the lesson that He wanted you to learn. 

So instead of asking God about the very thing that you truly want. Why not try to ask a different prayer? Let Him reveal your heart first and allow Him to lead you to the important things in your life that you need to discover. Ask God to lead your heart to the right desires that He wanted you to have. Let Him lead the way. It would be better if God answers “No” rather than giving you the things that you don’t need in the end. On the other hand, it’s never a waste of time for God because He is only teaching you something that can change your heart.

Start to reflect on the content of your prayers. Do you really need the things that you’ve been praying for? Or are you allowing God to have His way in your life? There’s nothing wrong with asking God to give you something, but you can always consult and ask Him first about the best things that He prepared for you.