Sometimes, God purposely allows delays so that He can Display His miracles
When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”
John 11:4, NIV
Mary and Martha sent a word to Jesus and told Him that their brother Lazarus was sick. And when Jesus knew about this, He didn’t rush and immediately went back to Bethany, the place of Lazarus, but He said that His sickness would not end in death because it would glorify God in the end. Two days after, Jesus decided to visit His friends. On His arrival, Jesus found out that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days (John 11:17). When Martha saw Jesus, she told Him, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” But even though Jesus knew what would happen, He still followed His own schedule because He planned to perform great miracles. He assured Martha that Lazarus would rise again. He went to the tomb and prayed to the Father. After that, He commanded Lazarus to come out, and indeed, He came out of the grave with His hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen.
Jesus performed a miracle in moments when Martha thought that He was late. What type of delays did you experience in life? Do you also feel what Martha experienced? That feeling when you badly ask for God’s help and blessings, but then nothing happens. Whether you believe it or not, God’s plans are greater than what you have in mind. Maybe He purposely allowed you to experience delays so that you will witness the greatest miracle in your life. Just like what He did to Lazarus. Know that He cares for you. He doesn’t want to harm or break your heart. You may feel frustrated every time God doesn’t answer your prayers, or you can’t see His hands moving, but you need to trust in Him. Believe in His Name even if you are surrounded by bad things.
Wait and be patient. Do not judge your situation according to your emotions. Look unto God and allow Him to take over. Stop controlling the things that you can’t control. Let go and let Him move. Trust in His timing. Believe that God hears all your prayers. He is not neglecting you. Instead, He wanted you to grow in His presence. Take every moment as an opportunity for you to build your faith. Be patient and do not rely on your own understanding. Align your expectations to God and submit to Him all your desires. It’s good to plan for what’s ahead, but you need to create a wide space where God can move and do His thing. Do not put Him inside a box. You may think that you know what you want, but He knows what’s best for you.
When you experience delays in life, remember what Jesus did to Lazarus. He can perform miracles anytime He wants, so submit to Him all your plans and let Him mess them up. When He moves, it means that He is giving you the chance to trust and believe in Him. Let the delays in your life remind you that God prepared wonderful things for you, and it’s beyond what you can perceive. Who would have thought that someone would rise from the grave? And God will do such a miracle during that time? It’s something that is beyond our understanding, but Jesus did it to glorify the Father. And He will do the same thing in your life. He can turn your delays into miracles that will bless His Name.