Sometimes, God will ask you to do things beyond your Ability and Strength
You may be wondering why God put a desire in your heart that seems so impossible to happen but know that you are on the right track. You are not alone. God speaks to His people and often asks them to do things beyond their own strength simply because He wants them to encounter more of Him. So if you are carrying a very big dream in your heart, then God wants you to walk along the journey with Him. He is inviting you to live a life full of faith and dependence. You will reach the dreams that He planted in your heart through His grace and guidance. You need Him along the process. So rely on His strength, and stop looking at your weaknesses. After all, God moves not according to what you can do, but it’s all about His power and love for you.
Your dreams may appear so idealistic, but if God is the One who planted them in your heart, then He will give you more than enough resources. The Holy Spirit will help you along the journey. Call upon His name and ask for His wisdom. God will never leave you. He wanted you to become part of His great plans. Maybe you feel overwhelmed because you know in yourself that you can’t do it on your own. But instead of doubting in God’s power, choose to thank Him for revealing to you that great desire. It only means that He is inviting you to walk on a wonderful adventure with Him. Things won’t be easy, but as long as you faithfully stay in His presence, then you will always feel blessed.
Do not look at your own ability. God wants you to realize that He uses people not because of what they can do but all because of who they are in His eyes. He sees you as His child. You are a bearer of His light. And you don’t have to rely on your own effort just to keep moving. All you need to do is depend on His power. Allow God to use you. Let Him reign, and He will lead you to the place where you will discover more of Him. He will sustain you until the end. Everything that you offer for Him will never be in vain. They may appear as nothing in your eyes, but God sees your heart. And He knows the purpose behind all your actions.
Trust that God will move. He just wants you to be His vessel. This is not about the skills and the abilities that you have, but this is about His power in your life. Just open your heart and let His love consume what’s within. Keep your faith in Him, and He will glorify His name through the things that He asks you to do. Keep going and fully depend on His power. One day, your obedience will bear everlasting fruit that will honor the name of our Heavenly Father.