Sometimes, God will ask you to do Things that you Think you Hate
Our journey with God won’t always be smooth and perfect. Sometimes, we need to go through the seasons that we badly hate. We need to do things that we don’t want to do. But for the sake of God, we will be pushed to take steps outside our comfort zone. It takes faith and humility to finish the journey. And it’s not that God wants to punish us. There are just things in life that we can only learn in the wilderness. So if you think that God is pushing you to your limits, then it simply means that He prepared a growth journey that will surely take you to a deeper relationship with Him. So be patient, and continue to obey His commands. Do what’s right, even in moments when you are surrounded by negative things.
Allow God to mold you. Sometimes, it means that you need to patiently go through the hard paths and wait for Him to move. When you are at the lowest moment of your life, choose to obey His words even if it’s hard. When you choose His will over your desires, you will slowly learn what it means to treat Him as your King. Your humility will open certain opportunities that will lead you to better days. The things that you hate the most will turn into a blessing that will transform you from the inside. Let God change the way you see your life, and you will find yourself doing the things that you used to hate.
The new things that you are experiencing right now are great opportunities for you to know God even more. There are days when it feels like you are dying because you need to continually deny yourself so that you will be able to follow Him, but the more you allow Christ to reign inside you, the more you will see changes in your life. Continue to take the steps that God wants you to try. You may not understand yet the reason why you need to do certain things, but God knows what He is doing. He wants you to experience the best things, and sometimes, it means that you need to give up your own plans and timeline.
One day, you will learn to value your season. You will appreciate the lessons behind the tears and the pain. You will see the blessings behind the hardships. Just acknowledge His presence, and you will slowly love the things that He asks you to do. He will let you see the good things behind the difficulties that you face. It won’t happen right now, but trust that when the perfect time comes, and when you are ready, everything that He asks you to follow will make sense.