Sometimes, God will Redirect you to fulfill His Promises
We feel a sense of fulfillment when we hit our goals. The feeling of being able to do what must be done despite the challenges along the process gives us a feeling of unexplainable peace and joy. The lessons we take along the way will serve as our guide for the next. The way God performs His unexpected moving will forever mark us.
However, there will be times in life when He would want us to experience deep fulfillment that will sometimes take time to arrive. There are journeys in life that started well but remain unfinished. It is not because we are not competent enough to finish it but because it already served its purpose in us, and He wants to take us to another level.
God’s redirection will, most of the time, confuse us. It could sometimes make us feel clueless about what just happened. All our efforts seemed to go down the drain. All the sacrifices and time we’ve spent doing one thing that we thought would lead us to our expectations suddenly ceased, and a new chapter opened unexpectedly. We feel frustrated because we don’t know how to start again. But believe that when He wants you to change your path, it only means that better things are meant for you.
Your efforts were not wasted. They did not become just dust. Because along the journey that you’ve walked on, some values were formed. Some lessons were learned, and there were memories that you made. The process just looked unfinished because your sight aimed at a goal that God sees differently.
Here’s the good thing, God will always show His favor no matter what we decide to do. His goal may differ from yours, but I believe it is meant for you. At first, it will confuse you and make you uncomfortable, but trust and have faith that He has already orchestrated everything. He sees you and your potential. He sees your heart and your desires. He knows what you need and how you will fulfill your purpose in a better way. So do not worry, for He is with you along the way.
Your frustration and worries will soon turn into praises and worship. Just hold on to what God wants you to do. A new path may lead to a better version of you. He will be there when it happens. You are not alone in your journey. Remember, He is good and will never stop doing good things in your life.
You are meant to do a lot of things in life. Just remember that there is always beauty in redirections. As long as God is in it, redirections will always be a blessing. So, focus on what He wants you to do. Do not get too pressured about what other people would say. Do not worry about not having or getting what people expect from you because your life is yours to live and love, not theirs. They may doubt you but remember that God believes in you. He sees things others don’t. So, go through the process and hold on to His promises.