
Sometimes, God will take you to a Secluded Place so that you’ll deal with your Heartaches

God wants you to deal with the pain. If you will you keep it hidden and buried, it will manifest in your words, deeds, and thoughts. It is very important for you to face the issues that you are going through in life. It won’t be easy. Many times, you will feel the pain again. But the process is always worth it. Sometimes, God will lead you to a place where you can be alone with Him, and that’s where He will lead you to the process of healing. So if you find yourself doing things on your own, then maybe God is giving you a chance to focus on Him so that you can begin the journey towards your complete restoration. Take that moment as your opportunity to know God on a different level.

Choose to heal with God. You may think that it’s no longer necessary to review the things that are going on in your life because it hurts when you recall them. But what you need to do is carefully process the thoughts or the narrative that you have in mind the moment you experience those pain. Reflect on what you feel during those moments because it will help you in dealing with the wrong perspective that hinders you in making the right direction. Open your heart so that God’s love can come in and begin the healing process. The pain won’t instantly go away, but rest assured that after you face that journey, you will never be the same again. Your heart will be strengthened, and you will no longer be afraid in moments when God allows you to be alone.

Don’t worry. God will walk with you throughout the healing process. He will never leave you. His grace will always be there. He will hold your hands and give you the reasons to pursue the dreams that He planted in your heart. You may not always feel His presence, and He may not be physically there, but He is with you. Trust Him, especially when He allows you to go through certain situations you can’t control. In moments when you can’t feel support from the people you used to depend on, just set your eyes on God. Spend more time with Him. Read the scriptures. Worship Him, and you will receive the comfort that you need.

 Trust in God’s ways. The season of loneliness sometimes feels like you are in the wilderness. But all you need to do is wait for God’s hands to move and let His embrace give you peace. You may find yourself longing for company, but treasure that moment and stop depending on other people. Instead, pray that God will open the eyes of your heart so that you will appreciate the blessings that He provided you. Let Him teach you how to be sensitive enough to His moving. Soon, you will finish that journey. So hold on, and make the most of what God allowed you to experience in this season.

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