Sometimes, God Will Use Unexpected Circumstances To Fulfill His Purpose
God’s ways are sometimes unpredictable. We never really know the things that He will allow us to experience. As much as we wanted to escape from the problems and challenges that we are in, God would somehow lead us to uncomfortable places. This is not to condemn or harm us; He just wanted us to grow and fulfill His purpose.
This truth may be hard to swallow because we tend to think that if God loves us, He will always lead us to comfortable places. But there are important lessons that we need to learn along the way. Most of the time, the best lessons are learned when we experience hardships and difficulties. So, God is not punishing you right now. He has a purpose behind the things that you have experienced.
Trust in His great plans. This is not easy, but believe in His promises even if you can’t see them yet. His desires for you are greater than the dreams that you have in mind. He sees what’s ahead, that’s why He truly knows what you need. Do not rely on your own understanding. The reason why it’s hard for us to accept His will is because we keep on holding on to our own mindset. We stood by our principles, thinking that it was the best thing to do. But then, we will never learn unless we surrender our own perspective.
If you are going through unexpected circumstances right now, then stay closer to God. You may find it hard to keep your faith in Him, but never let go of His hands. One day, you will realize the good things that God did, and you will appreciate His ways. You may not see His wonderful plans for now but stay rooted in His love and you will be guided.