
Sometimes, God’s answers take Longer than you Expect

God doesn’t always move according to your plans. He doesn’t depend on your wisdom and understanding. He acknowledges your prayers, but there will be moments when you need to wait for His answers. And it’s not because He wants to punish you or make you feel abandoned. He wants you to trust Him more than you rely on your own timeline.

There’s nothing wrong with making your own plans, but learn the habit of consulting God before you decide to do something. Treat Him as your King and ask for His approval. Pray for His guidance and wisdom. You can’t stop His plans. He moves according to His purpose. You need to accept that truth so that when you get tired, you will be reminded to trust in God and not in your own strength. There will be moments when He will ask you to go through a long process before you finally receive what you desire. It may be challenging, but trust that in Him, you will experience more of His love.

Be patient. Do not be pressured by the standards of this world. Sometimes, you want things to happen instantly because you want to experience what other people have experienced. Please do not compare yourself to others. God orchestrated a unique and amazing path for you. Please don’t walk through other people’s journeys. You have a separate road that you need to take. And it is perfectly designed according to your abilities, strengths, and even weaknesses. So trust God and acknowledge His will. Do not treat His ways as something against you. They are all for your own good. You won’t see the bigger picture for now, but soon, you will learn to appreciate His great plans. Things may not be that easy, but it will be a life-changing adventure.

Focus on the journey and not on the answers. You will discover so many things if you only learn to treasure the path that you are in. Enjoy God’s company and treat the waiting season as your opportunity to grow in the Lord. Activate your faith, and don’t be anxious about what might happen next. Set your eyes on the lessons that God wants you to learn. The journey is what makes the answer more precious and valuable. So go through the process and be excited. Do not look at your own schedule. Instead, open your eyes to the things that God provided just for you to be sustained. Let His grace become so evident in your life. Sometimes, it’s not about the answers, but it’s about the journey that God wants you to experience because it’s where you will receive more of His love and grace.

Trust in God’s perfect timing. Do not let other people’s blessings become a hindrance for you to believe in Him. Just because others received what you prayed for doesn’t mean He already forgotten you. He knows what He is doing. So don’t be in a hurry. He wants to give you the best things in life. You will fail to receive what He prepared if you keep following your own decisions. Let Him be the King of your life, and remember that He is sovereign after all. His purpose will prevail. So trust in His hands. God never neglects your prayers. He is listening to your heart, so keep your faith in Him.