Self Development

Sometimes, it is not People or Events that disappoint us but our Expectations of them

Almost all of us fall into the trap of expectations without us noticing them. It is a normal thing that we do because it is what we always hear and observe from others. Sometimes, we go to an event unconsciously noticing the flaws in them rather than appreciating its own beauty. There are times when it will be the other way around. Some people will always get mad at everything that we do. Sometimes, it gets so hard to meet someone’s expectation because no matter what we do, their expectation is constantly advancing beyond our present capacity. 

Sometimes, it is not about the person or the situation but the way we hold and get too attached to our expectations. And that same goes for other people towards us. The expectations keep piling up because there’s that hidden longing for our own definition of perfection to be met within us. We sometimes reason out that we don’t really need that much from someone, but we also need to remember that no person will always think and act the way we want them to. Let us remember that some people don’t know everything that we know. Not all are aware and sensitive to things the way we do. We all move, learn and grow differently. Setting expectations in them would only break our relationships. 

Nothing is wrong with expecting for something to happen, but it becomes dangerous when we impose our beliefs on them as if it’s the only way for them to live. Rather than making and calling them things they are not, let us look within ourselves to see that everyone is doing their best. Instead of shouting, allow us to communicate. Instead of making them feel unworthy, let us listen and give them advice. Communication is very important. It can change someone’s perspective in a way that will build connections to them. It is about helping and learning from them. So, let us work within ourselves first rather than putting someone on a pedestal that won’t help them see themselves. 

Kindness is vital. Instead of feeding ourselves with superiority, let us remember that if we don’t want to be mistreated, then let us not do it to others. Being kind is not that hard. It could help us build peace. Without too much expectation, we will notice a lot of good things happening around us and within our lives. We will realize that God has been so good in our lives that we can still hope for better days because He is in the midst of everything we do.

Instead of feeding our lives with expectations, let us give our hearts more hope. Hope for more of God’s favor. May our lives be filled with more of His glory and honor. And let us walk in peace and hope rather than living with broken expectations.