Sometimes, Losing yourself for God leads you back to His Heart
It takes an obedient and humble heart to surrender your selfish desires. It’s about dying to self. But the good thing about it is, the more you lose yourself, the more you will feel His love and compassion. Putting Him first will lead you to discover more of Him. Yes, it’s not easy. Sometimes, you will feel so alone and tired along the journey, but it’s so rewarding the moment you grow closer to Him. After all the sacrifices you made, your relationship with Him will never be the same. When you see Him face to face, you will never regret what you did for His glory. One day, you will thank Him for teaching you how to put Him first.
You will fail to know Him if you always keep on thinking about your selfish desires. Sometimes, what we have in mind is so different from the will of God. Because we are too occupied by the expectations and standards of this world, we tend to align our plans according to what’s acceptable in other people’s eyes. But if you will choose to consult God first before you do anything, you will realize that His standards are so different. The world will teach you to listen to your own understanding, but God wants you to receive His wisdom. Other people will say that you need to do the things that make you happy, but God will help you see a better perspective, and He will lead you to your purpose. There are moments when it feels so hard, but later on, you will realize that choosing Him is the best thing that you can do. You may fail to follow your own desires, but when you listen to His voice, your plans will slowly be aligned to His will. It takes a long process, but it’s worth all the tears.
Choose to surrender everything that keeps you away from Him. Try to evaluate your thoughts and emotions. What are the things that lead you to doubt in His goodness? Don’t allow the wounds in your heart or the negative thoughts in your mind to hinder you from coming to Him. Do not entertain the things that will make you forget about His goodness. Let God move in your life. Stop controlling the things around you. Acknowledge His power, and always remember that you are just a human. You can’t handle everything. Lift up all your problems to Him, and He will teach you how to let go. He will set you free from the bondage of the past. And only then will you be able to give your everything to Him. Trust in His love, and don’t worry. Focus on doing His will, and He will continue to give you the strength you need.
Living this life for God is always worth it. There may be moments when you need to sacrifice your life, but the satisfaction and love you will receive from Him are more than enough. It’s greater than what this world can give. You can experience a glimpse of heaven even if you are still here on earth. You can receive His limitless love even if you are struggling. God can do miracles even in the midst of chaos. He can move mountains and give you enough resources. And being able to experience those wonderful things with Him makes your life here on earth worth living. Yes, you will lose yourself along the way, but it simply means that you allow God to use your life and bring glory to His Name.