
Sometimes The Greatest Blessings Are The Things That We Can’t See

The way we thank God for the blessings that we receive matters on how we look at it. Sometimes we expect that the most beautiful blessing that we can receive from Him is something that we can see. It could be a new house, a new car or perhaps a new job. But what if God gives us a wonderful blessing, but we failed to notice it because we are expecting something visible?

Having the chance to still see the sun every morning is a very wonderful blessing. Some people didn’t see it today, or perhaps they haven’t seen it in their entire lives. It’s either they lost their sight, or maybe they are inside a hospital room fighting for their lives. Having the chance to talk with your loved ones personally is also a great blessing. Some are living away from their family and long for that deep connection you are experiencing right now.

God may already give you enough strength to face your problems, and that’s already a blessing. The peace that He provided for you while you are struggling. The healing that He is doing right now in your life. The joy despite the challenges. Everything that God did in your life just to sustain you and give you the courage to move. All of them are the most beautiful blessings.

Sometimes, we need to see beyond our circumstances. We need to focus on the things that God is doing for us. We need to ask Him to open our minds for us to see all the blessings that He provided for us. It’s all around you. And once you see all of it, you will be overwhelmed. The greatest blessings are the things that money can’t buy, and only God can provide.

The essential things in life are not the things that we can see. Sometimes it lies deep within us. Even though we failed to thank God for everything that He is doing for us. He will continue to bless us every day. He will continue to sustain us in His own way. God will always be there even if we failed to thank Him sometimes.

So right now, I encouraged you to see the blessings of God from a different perspective. Try to review your life and thank Him for everything that He did to you, especially for those blessings that you can’t see. Thank Him for His great love for you. Thank Him for His grace. Thank Him for saving you. And above all, thank Him for your life. Even if it’s not perfect, you still manage to live because you know that His grace sustains you from the beginning.


  • Marilynn Weisser

    Awesome message!
    I appreciate and agree with what you wrote!

    I do indeed thank God for every thing He has done for me!

    If there be anything good in me it is from God!

    Glory to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
