Self Development

Sometimes, The Pain Will Lead You In The Right Direction

God works in mysterious ways. You may think that the negative things that happened in your life want to stop you from attaining your goals, but sometimes, instead of hurting you, those unexpected things will direct you to the right path. You may wonder why you need to go through a lot of pain, but what if God is just leading you back in the right direction? Most of the time, there is pain because you can’t accept the truth that what you want is not exactly what God prepared for you. So instead of pushing the things that are not meant for you, just learn to trust the plans of God. Let the pain lead you back in His arms.

The wounds inside will make you realize that you can never make it on your own. You need a healer. You need a savior, and His name is Jesus. The pain will lead you to trust in Him. It will remind you that there are things in life that you can’t control, and you simply need God’s guidance. When life seems so right, we tend to forget the power of God. But when we go through problems, that’s the moment when we learn to seek His name. It’s an opportunity for us to entirely rely on His presence. That’s why this life is not perfect, because we are simply reminded that things don’t always go according to our plans. We need to accept the truth that God alone deserves our full trust.

The pain will draw you closer to God. You may think that you are deeply wounded inside, and there’s no hope for you. But the reality is, God’s love will always be there to make you feel secure and protected. Your relationship with Him will never be the same again. Now that you finally experienced His comfort, you will realize that the wealth of this word is nothing compared to His great love. You will receive His peace, and you will start to fully depend on Him. You will say to yourself that everything is worth it because the pain led you to experience God’s unfailing grace.

You need to trust the great plans of God in your life. Stop analyzing everything. Just remind yourself that you are in the right hands. He will support you along the journey. You will victoriously experience the great blessings that God prepared for you. One day, you will thank Him for allowing you to experience the pain because without it, your life would’ve been so full of yourself, and you will never experience real happiness.


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