Sometimes, We Only Learn To Value A Certain Blessing When It’s Gone
This is a very sad fact that we usually experience here on earth. We only learn to appreciate God’s blessings when it’s gone. We try to ask God for a lot of things in life, and we sometimes miss the simple yet important blessings that He already provided for us. All this time, we thought that God neglects us, but the moment He took away those blessings that He gives, that’s the time we realize that we already have what we need. When God opens our eyes, He will teach us things that are sometimes painful to accept, but He needs to do it for us to learn and change.
Just remember the lessons because sooner or later, life will throw a big test. You may fail to recognize that blessing before, but always keep the lessons inside your heart. One day, God will give you the chance to apply everything that you learned. And when that day comes, just be ready to appreciate every blessing that He provided for you. May it be small or not. Treasure whatever it is that God gave you. Choose to embrace your situation and stop looking for things that you don’t have. Pray that God will open the eyes of your heart so that you will see the good things around you.
Learn to value His blessings before it’s too late. Don’t make the same mistake twice. Look at your surrounding and appreciate what you have. Look at the people who deeply love you. Listen to the singing birds in the sky. Focus on the simple yet memorable moments that God allowed you to experience. Those things are great blessings. Please never underestimate the simple gifts that God provided for you because the truth is, He knows your heart, and He is aware of the things that you truly need. Stop focusing on your problems. There are a lot of beautiful things in this world that you fail to appreciate because you are too focused on your pain and circumstances.
Choose to thank God for everything that happened in your life. You may not see the blessings behind those things, but know that He is doing everything for your own good. He is making way for you. Yes, you can’t see anything, but the moment you learn to be grateful for the little things, you will also learn to see the hands of God moving in your midst. So don’t forget to say thank you even if you encounter problems. Appreciate what you have, and you will feel truly blessed within.

Billy Inoki
God will never take things away from us, He only give. Satan is the one try to distract us from God’s blessings. Know the truth and the truth will set you free. God bless!
Artemis Asteria
One of the most important lessons that 2021 has given me is to be grateful. Stop looking for the things that you don’t have and start appreciating the things you have. Being grateful is one of the best characteristics you will develop for yourself. 🙂