Sometimes, what Destroys you are the things Happening on the inside
Maybe you feel so devastated because of the uncertainties around you, but sometimes, what’s going on inside is more important than what surrounds you. The way you look at yourself and how you deal with your wounds matters more than the problems you face. So focus on managing yourself, and you will learn to handle the different challenges you will encounter. Your heart’s status and the perspective you have will eventually destroy you if you do not align them to God. You can never control the situation around you. But the good thing is, you have the power to manage the things that are going on deep inside your heart.
Do not neglect your emotions. Instead, acknowledge them and allow God to teach you how to handle yourself properly. Sometimes, what you feel inside will reveal the important matters you need to work on. Once you learn to accept the things that you must change, you will then see yourself growing. It’s like you are building a solid foundation on the inside. If you are emotionally mature, then you will easily handle the obstacles that you will face along the journey. It’s a matter of how you manage yourself in moments when you face uncertainties.
Let God change the way you think. Do not dwell on the negative information that you receive from your surroundings. Remember that your perspective in life can be a bright light that will guide you to the right path. You just have to align your thoughts to God and surrender to Him all your worries and cares. Fill your mind with His words so that you will not easily give up, especially when you face storms and trials. Think about the miracles and the promises of God and stop entertaining the lies of the enemy. What’s in your mind will determine the way you handle your problems. So pray for a teachable heart, and you will receive heavenly perspectives.
What’s going on inside will affect your life. It will manifest in your decisions and the way you handle the circumstances that come your way. The uncertainties you face can never destroy you as long as you choose to build your faith and work on yourself. So focus on improving what you can control. Choose to grow from the inside out. And one day, you will see yourself the way God sees you.