
Sometimes, What We Need Is A Humble Heart To Accept What God Allowed To Happen

Life is unpredictable. Even though there will be instances when we need to face the consequences of our choices, there will still be moments when God allows certain things to happen. And it’s not that He wants to punish or condemn us; it’s just that His ways are higher than our ways. This is the reason why we badly need to have a humble heart to accept the things that God allows us to experience.

Acceptance is not easy, especially when you have a different expectation in mind. It takes a heart willing to trust in God’s plans. It takes faith to believe that even though what’s happening is the exact opposite, God’s grace will be there. Acceptance takes courage. But even though it’s difficult, you need to hold on to what God said. You need to remember His promises so that you will have the strength to move forward.

Sometimes, we can’t accept certain things because we have different perspectives in life. We follow our own understanding, thinking that it’s right. But at the end of the day, God will continue to teach us His ways, whether it be through pain or joy.

God’s guidance is transformative. Like a potter shaping clay, he molds and forms us into the person He designed us to be. This process is not without its challenges-pain, sadness, grief, joy, excitement, and love will all be part of the journey. But the first step is to accept God’s will and plans, knowing that they lead to growth and transformation.

Choosing to embrace what God allows in our lives is a pivotal moment. It marks the beginning of a journey where we can slowly start to appreciate His ways. Acceptance is not just a step, but a crucial pathway towards healing and restoration. It’s the gateway to experiencing God’s abundant blessings.