Sometimes, you can find the Answers in Moments of Silence and Peace
We all seek answers, especially in situations that we cannot understand. There will be moments in our lives when everything seems too much. There is too much noise whispering to us what we are supposed to be doing. There is also noise that could affect our situation. Such words only make our worries and doubts worse. However, answers are often found in places and moments where noise is absent.
You need to put yourself in a place where you can think alone and listen intently to your thoughts. Things in your mind that are sometimes left unanswered will always wire themselves into something that will make things worse. That is why, you need to sit with your thoughts. Listen to the noise, its words, and what it tells you. Because sometimes, the answer to your frustration and disappointment is only a listening heart and mind.
Your thoughts are endless. That is why there is no point in forcing it to stop. However, no matter how bad things are going on in your head, always separate your identity from it. Your thoughts are just thoughts. It only tells part of your life story. Only a part of you needs to be taken care of. So, examine yourself. Do not just do things because it gives you instant happiness or makes you comfortable. But also face your battles and wars inside your mind. Desire for peace of mind and the courage to face them. Do not be afraid to ask for help and welcome kind words. Receive His word and let it teach you the ways in life. Let His promises be part of your daily life and make it like the air you breathe. Then, consciously bathe yourself with it and just go through the process.
Know that God understands your situation. He knows how loud and disturbing it is inside your mind. And He also knows how to calm it. For you to do so, sometimes you need to endure the pain. You need to bear the harsh words from around you. You need to handle the painful truth that surrounds you. God understands you are having a hard time, but sometimes you can only silence what’s loud if you know where it came from. Looking for peace and silence is not just a place you can put yourself into. Sometimes, it will take you courage and effort to do so. But know that it will be worth it. Just take one step at a time. Do not worry; for the moment you can do it once, you can then do it endlessly. That is because everything will flow freely once you know how to open your heart to God.
The answers you seek are sometimes just waiting for you to take them. That is why put down the luggage that is not meant to occupy your grip. You may feel alone but know that God is helping you. He is there with you in every step and in every process. Open your heart, go through the journey, and experience His wonders.