Sometimes, You Go Through The Darkness So That You Can Appreciate The Light
There are days in life when we are too caught up with the things that we already achieved. We feel so overwhelmed with our busy schedules, and we tend to ignore the presence of God along the process. We learned to rely on Him before when we still experience hardships, but sometimes, when we already receive everything, we tend to forget the beauty of just staying in His presence. That’s why there are moments when we go through the dark path because God wants us to appreciate His light even in the simplest blessings that we receive from Him. When God sees that our relationship with Him is at risk, He will always find ways so that we will come back to His presence.
If you are going through some hardships, treat it as God’s way of bringing you back to His heart. He needs to change your perspective so that you will learn to appreciate His presence. The dark moments will remind you of His great love and goodness. It will bring you back to the core foundation of your faith. It will remind you that God alone deserves all the glory and honor. He will reveal to you the status of your heart, and you will realize that you’ve been through places that keep you away from His love. He will open your eyes, and He will let you see the things that are going on in your life. That’s why you need to trust Him in this season.
Let His light shine in your life so that you will see things according to Heavenly perspective. You will be aligned to His will, and you will never forget His goodness in your life. This is the moment when God will let you grow into a better person. Just open your heart and do not be afraid because He will always lead you back to His arms. You are always safe as long as you stay in the presence of God. Your relationship with Him will never be the same again after you get through the difficult moments of your life.
God will renew your heart and mind. You will realize that His presence is very important, and you will no longer rely on your own strength. Instead, you will learn to acknowledge Him in everything that you do. You will choose to be with Him every single day. How you treat God will also change, and you will no longer forget His great love for you. Behind the dark season that you are facing are great lessons that will change your life forever.

One Comment
Thank you so much, this has helped me realise lot of things