Sometimes, you need to choose What’s right and not What’s easy
This world will present you with so many options. That’s why it’s very important to consult God and ask Him first. Seek His wisdom so that you will be guided. There will be days when you will find it hard to make decisions simply because you don’t have enough understanding about your situation or perhaps you don’t have enough courage to do the right thing. Truth is, following God will not always lead you to an easy road. In fact, you will go through challenging situations that will somehow test your faith in Him. You will go through obstacles that will equip you for the coming storms and problems. Doing what’s right in His eyes is not that comfortable and easy.
Many times, God will reveal to you the next step. It seems like you can’t understand His answer, but then in reality, you know what He wants you to do. It’s just you find it hard to do it because it takes effort and pain. The solution that He presented appears costly and risky on your end. Maybe you just can’t accept His instructions because doing what’s right sometimes means dying to self. It’s about forgetting your own desires and allowing God to reign. It’s about choosing Him again and again. It’s about stepping outside your comfort zone and doing the things you never did before. It’s scary, but the good news is that every new thing God wants you to do is your chance to grow.
Pray for a heart that’s humble enough to receive the instructions of God. You need to accept that there are seasons in life that you can’t manage alone. You need His help and grace. Acknowledge His ways and align your principles to His words. Ask for His wisdom and the humility to obey His words even when you feel scared. Fears exist to remind you that you can’t control everything that’s happening in your life. That’s why you need His guidance. You need to learn how to do things according to His ways.
Allow God to give you the courage that you need. Trust that He will always be there to support and guide you. He will fill your heart with enough strength. Just open your hands and freely receive what He prepared to equip you. God is a good God. He will never ask you to do anything difficult without a purpose. He knows what He is doing. So allow Him to reign in your life and keep your faith. Believe with all your heart that God is leading you to the right destination. His hands will be there when you walk along the darkest path.