
Stand Firm to Where God Called You To Be

Where you are is a product of God’s grace in you. Life must have its explanation of where you are and how you are doing. Nothing happens for no reason; everything has one. Although the reasons are not always told, it has their unique and special stories. In life’s journey, you may have been through events that have challenged your faith countless times. People’s principles and philosophies may have affected your faith, their opinions and perspectives may have doubted yours. But remember, all of us are bound by differences and diversities. All of us stand for various reasons, and all of us also have different seasons in life.

Remember, truths have their versions. There’s a constant change of thoughts and ideas in every mouth and in every mind. But there is always only One who never changes. There is only one truth that never fails, and that is Him. You’ll be tested to your core, but God will always remain with you. He will be there constantly, guiding you all the way. He will allow you to be exposed to the things that will challenge your faith, but it doesn’t mean that He is letting you go. God will sometimes impose discipline on you to be ready for more than the world will offer. You’ll get confused and will doubt yourself. But acknowledge Him in your life, for He is the only one that could calm the storm in you. 

When situations happen to shake and scare you, remember God’s promises in your life. Often, things are easier said than done but sometimes, the narrower the way is, the greater the reward. When things test you, know that you are not being punished, but it is His way of strengthening you. He wants you to be more assertive in temptations and sin. He does not want you to get hurt for no reason. Every pain can be healed as long as you are willing for God to do so. When God calls you to be a good person, then be it. When He’ll tell you to restrain, then do so. Not all that you hear is for you to believe in. 

So hold on to the faith that you have for Him. Believe that God will always be there to catch you no matter what happens. He will always teach you what to do and what not to. When you don’t feel like obeying, remember His promises. Keep in mind that the process of growing and learning always has its breaking moments. But these are also the things that will unleash you from your own chains. So allow the pain and let God heal it. You will not always appreciate what’s right, but that is totally fine. Living life is not about figuring out everything, but it is about your journey with Him.