Self Development

Stop Holding on to Something Familiar

This life is full of uncertainties. That’s why people tend to hold on to something familiar to avoid pain and heartaches. But then the truth is, instead of avoiding pain, we unconsciously draw closer to it because that’s what seems to be familiar to us. We think that we already know the road that we are taking, and we remain at the place where we can predict what will happen. This is the danger of holding on to something familiar. God wants us to experience breakthroughs, but because we are afraid of change. We would rather remain where we are just to avoid the uncertainties in life. But sadly, change is constant. Whether you like it or not, the things around you will evolve, and you are not even exempted. One day, you will also see yourself changing from glory to glory. So do not settle for something familiar.

Walk along the journey with God and prepare yourself for unexpected moments. He is always unpredictable, and unless you accept the truth, you will find it hard to deal with uncertainties in life. Allow God to move. It means that you let Him be the God of your life even in the days when you can’t understand what’s happening. Expect miracles to happen. If God wants you to step outside the comfort zone, then it means that He prepared something new and special that you can only receive the moment you take a bold step away from the things that you treated as familiar.

Do not be afraid of change because it will make you grow. You will remain so stagnant if you do not encounter uncertainties in life. So hold on to God and not to the situation around you. Open your heart so that He can transform you and change the way you see things. Just believe that He will never leave you nor forsake you. Yes, it’s not easy to handle uncertainties, especially if you are the type of person who is afraid to face different changes in life, but remember that God will be your strength. He will never ask you to do something not unless He purposely wanted you to grow and prosper in His presence.

God wants you to experience more of His wonderful love. And that ‘more’ refers to the things outside your comfort zone. You will remain the same if you will just work on what’s familiar. So try to do something new with God. Try to explore this world with Him, and you will realize that He prepared something great for you, and it’s beyond what you can imagine.