Stop Living Inside your Head, Go outside and Cherish the Moment
Our thoughts are there not to consume us but to help us weigh the different decisions in our lives. So whatever it is that you are thinking, just make sure that you don’t allow yourself to live inside the box of your mind. You may want to experience so many things, or perhaps you tried to imagine the plans that you wanted to fulfill. But that’s not where the reality is. It lies in your present moment. So don’t just stay inside your imaginations. Go out and treasure the blessings that God provided for you. Your reality may not be that beautiful compared to what you always imagine, but you are meant to live in the present. Cherish your time here on earth because today will never come back. And soon, it will become memories in your life.
Stop thinking about the past. Maybe you keep on recalling the bad things that happened. You can’t help it, but remember those painful moments that you experienced. And because of the wounds inside your heart. You can’t appreciate the blessings in front of you. Since your mind always goes back to what happened before, you fail to see the good things that happened in your present. Please accept the truth you can never bring back those days when your heart was still whole and complete. You need to keep going. Yes, it hurts, but you have the power to set yourself free from the bondage of the past. You are surrounded by so many great things in life. Open the eyes of your heart and learn to live in the moment.
Do not worry about your future. God already planned everything for you. So focus on what He provided to you right now. Stop thinking about the things that you don’t have. God is your Father, and He will give you what you need. Abide in His will, and you will figure things out. Your tomorrow depends on how you live for today. So make the most of the resources that God provided for you and never waste His blessings. With a grateful heart, choose to glorify His name through the works of your hands. Stop worrying about the things that didn’t happen yet. Live in the present, and deal with the matters that you can handle.
Live with what you have. Be content, and at the same time, be excited about the things that will happen in your life. Stop looking behind because your past can never bring back everything that you hoped to have. You can look at what’s ahead, but don’t just focus there. Instead, give your best to cherish every moment because it’s one of the ways for you to live this life to the fullest.