
Stop Overthinking And Let God Do His Thing

Try to check the things that are going on in your mind. Maybe you feel so scared because you tend to overthink your situations. Stop imagining the worst thing that might happen. You may think that you are just preparing yourself for it, but the truth is, you are focusing on your fears. You tend to forget the faithfulness of God in your life. Remember that God will never leave you nor forsake you. So try to live in your present and appreciate the things that you have right now. You are surrounded by so many blessings. You just can’t see it because you are too focused on the things that didn’t even happen yet.

It’s okay to prepare yourself, but putting your emotions and thoughts inside a situation that doesn’t even exist is a different story. The best way to prepare yourself is to strengthen your faith in the Lord. Because the more you believe and trust in Him, the more you will have the courage to face the different storms in your life. If you make God your fortress, then nothing can ever destroy you. So stop thinking about the negative things. Instead, focus on the promises of God and remind yourself that He is faithful.

The ways of God are always mysterious. We can never predict our future. God alone has the power to lead us to the right destination. So surrender all your worries to Him and let Him perform miracles in your life. Never put Him in a box. God can do a lot of things. Maybe the thoughts that you have in mind are very far from the plans of God in your life. What if you are just thinking about the things that will never really happen in the first place? That’s why put your hope in the Lord. Know that His plans are greater than what your mind can imagine.

God loves you so much. Always remember that, especially when you feel so scared inside. His love will wash away all your fears, and He will replace it with His joy and peace. Never forget the good things that He did in your life. If He could sustain you right now, then He will also remain faithful in the future days to come. Do not worry, because God’s grace is always enough. You are safe and protected in His arms. Don’t just easily jump into conclusions. Instead, allow God to teach you about the best thing to do.


  • Gwyn

    Hello! I would like to thank all of you for sharing the Word of God. I am a student, and even if I have not reached adulthood yet, I overthink a lot. I am also a very sensitive person, that is why I become easily distracted in accomplishing my tasks and responsibilities due to the emotional interference. Being curious has helped me in my academics, however, most of the time, I tend to go beyond what I can control. I overthink a lot, I imagine worst case scenarios that are not even close to possible, and I create this gloomy atmosphere in my head that won’t be veiled by bright days.

    In the past weeks, I felt very drained due to online classes. I spent almost every night crying myself to sleep. I was on the verge of giving up. I was close to sacrificing my health, as I had no motivation to take care of my physical health, as well as my mental wellness. But indeed, God is always there for us. Even when we become so focused on worldly things, He never left us. He never will. And I am beyond grateful that God blessed me with a purposeful life. He gave me my family. My mom helped and loved me ever since the beginning. And even if I have not met the Pursued family, you have enlightened me so much.

    Once again, thank you very much, especially for sharing His Word! As I grow up, I promise that when I motivate people around me, I will share, as well, the Word and blessings of the Lord. Please stay safe, especially in these trying times. God bless everyone!

    • Hannah sherill

      Loved this .. it’s a great encouragement for me .. m sure it will help a lot of ppl .. God bless
