Submit All Your Plans To God, And He Will Guide You To The Right Path
Acknowledge the presence of God in everything that you do. Include Him in every decision that you make, and you will always be guided. Submit to Him all your plans, and He will take good care of you. Put Him at the center of your life so that it will not be hard for you to acknowledge Him. Let Him intervene and trust in His ways, especially in moments when you can’t understand what’s happening. Putting God in the picture will help you overcome whatever problems that you will face. He will not only protect you, but He will also lead you in the right direction. He will help you stay on track. You will be safe in His arms as long as you follow His voice.
Let Him be the King of your life. Acknowledge His will and let His words instruct you what to do. Stop relying on your own understanding. You will find it hard to move forward if you keep on following your own will. Just let God reign in your life, and He will reveal to you His great desires. He will give you enough wisdom so that you will know what to do. Just treat Him as your number one priority, and everything else will follow. Remember that His ways are always greater than what your mind can comprehend. That’s why you need to deeply trust Him.
Include Him in every decision that you make. Don’t just call upon His name when you are already in your worst situation. Make it a habit to include God in everything that you do may it be big or small. Just let His presence remind you about the factors that you need to consider in making decisions. He will guide you as long as you are willing to listen to His words. Remember that He knows what will happen next. That’s why you need to rely on His faithfulness and not on the situations around you. Pray for a humble heart that’s always willing to obey His instructions.
Surrender to Him all your plans. Know that in Him, you will receive His blessings. Just let Him intervene, especially in moments when you don’t know what to do. God moves in ways you can’t see. Stop doubting His power. Instead, choose to increase your faith. His love will light up the way so that you will not easily stumble, and if you fall, remember that His hands will be there to pick you up.

Amen..i trust u father❤
Nathaniel Myles
Amen! Thank You Jesus!
Amen. Thank-you Lord. I want and need your guidance 🙏
I trust in Jesus Christ and know all things through him is possible.. He ll carry us through any storm. And always be by our side when ever we need him. In Jesus name. Amen🙏