Self Development

Surrender all your Regrets to God

You will fail to see the present blessings if you keep on carrying all the regrets of the past. You won’t be able to treasure the precious moments God gave you because you chose to live with pain. Please be kind to yourself. You are still learning. Forgive and let go. The best way for you to do it is to surrender to God all the regrets that you are still hiding. Expose them in His presence, and He will help you turn that guilt into a lesson that you can never forget. You need to slowly accept that you can’t turn back time and change your decisions. It’s already in the past. What you can do is live for today and move forward. Yes, it’s easier said than done, but it’s the truth, and unless you accept it, you will always live a life without hope and meaning.

God can turn bad things into precious treasures. You can’t easily comprehend this because your heart is too overwhelmed with what happened. You no longer trust yourself, and your confidence is slowly fading because all you see are the mistakes that you committed. But God can absolutely save you from that mess. You just need to allow His grace to take over. Stop listening to the lies of the enemy. Seek the truth in the arms of your Creator, and He will teach you how to handle what you experience. There is a blessing behind what you feel. You just need to listen to the still, small voice that says, “My child, better days are still ahead.”

Remember the grace that God poured out into your life. And only then will you learn to release forgiveness to yourself. It is one of the hardest thing to do, and you can’t make it just relying on your own understanding. You need God and His mercy to help you realize your identity in His eyes. He alone can give you the kind of love that you can also extend to yourself. His grace is sufficient to rescue you from the regrets of the past. Never forget what Jesus did on the cross, and embrace the love that He wanted to pour out to you.

Regrets are great opportunities for you to become a better person. Turn them into something that will motivate you to change. Maybe you feel frustrated because you think that there’s no hope left. Always keep this in mind. As long as you are still breathing, it means that God is still working. He is not blind. He sees the heavy burdens that you are carrying, and you can always ask for help. Let Him take good care of you, and you will find rest in His arms. Stop living on your own. God is waiting for you to seek Him. Come in His presence and let His love remind you to keep moving despite the past that you experienced. Choose to surrender. Be humble and lift all your burdens in the presence of your loving Father.

One Comment

  • Timothy R Berman

    This was a really good reminder as the New Year is here and I am delving back into what it means to live a more mindful and meaningful life. A life that is crucified with Christ.

    What resonated with me is this:

    “The best way for you to do it is to surrender to God all the regrets that you are still hiding. Expose them in His presence, and He will help you turn that guilt into a lesson that you can never forget. You need to slowly accept that you can’t turn back time and change your decisions. It’s already in the past. What you can do is live for today and move forward. Yes, it’s easier said than done, but it’s the truth, and unless you accept it, you will always live a life without hope and meaning.”

    One of the spiritual truths I am encountering is the nature of Christ’s call for us to “to deny yourself and take up your cross” as a way to follow him. What you shared adds another depth of understanding of those things that we are to put to death on a daily basis.

    It is through Christ that we are able to overcome and move past those regrets. Definitely surrendering them and letting them go furthers our commitment to come Unto him and follow His ways and His teachings.