Surrender your Timeline in the Presence of God
You feel so pressured because you simply rely on your own timeline. You are so stressed because you think that your life is doomed to fail. Your schedule is ruined, and you can’t help but feel worried and scared. What you need to do is just surrender. Offer your timeline to God and let Him move. It means that you need to allow Him to make changes to your schedule. You need to acknowledge the truth that there are things in life that you don’t know. That’s why you must allow God’s power to reign so that He can guide you to the right path. Remember that this life is not just about achieving your goals, but it’s about building lasting relationships with God. And the best way to do it is to treat Him as your partner and best friend.
Just share to God the things that are bothering your mind. Let Him know all your worries and release the burden you feel inside. Maybe you feel pressured because you keep on comparing yourself to others. You think that you are left behind. But the truth is, God, prepared something better for you. So lay down all your cares and let Him give you the assurance that you need. He is listening to the cries of your heart, and He truly loves you. Just try to focus on what He is doing in your life, and only then will you learn to value everything you experience.
Be patient when He changes your timeline. You may want to ask for some explanations, but God is building your faith. And it will grow the moment you stop asking why and start trusting Him. Your relationship with Him will be stronger if you will let His hands move in the midst. He will never harm you or the people you love. He deeply wanted you to grow in His presence. So believe in His goodness and faithfulness, and do not focus too much on your own timeline.
God knows what’s best for you. And one day, you will thank Him for changing your plans. You will feel so grateful the moment you realize the reason why He needs to shift your own schedule. God desires to see you happy and fulfilled. And He knows the exact thing that you need for you to experience the fullness of this life. He is preparing great things for you, and you will fail to enjoy the journey if you keep on pushing your own will rather than following His plans.

Why do I feel like you’re exactly talking about my present situation. Being hopeless and worrisome because I felt like being left by time. Thank you for the comfort you have provided me through this words of faith. May the Lord bless you hundredfold.
Nathaniel Myles