Self Development

Surround yourself with People who will Remind you about God’s Love

The people around you can influence your life. They can impart good or bad perspectives. So surround yourself with those who will remind you about the love of God. They will not just inspire and share good things with you, but those kind friends will also pray for you. Spend more time with them so that you will never forget who God is in your life. If you think that you don’t have such kind of friends. Then pray that God will bless you with people who will always be there for you. And at the same time, be that someone who will also remind others about who God is. Start with yourself. Grow in the presence of God and share His goodness and love with your friends.

God’s people will teach you what obedience is all about. Their experiences will inspire you to move forward and never stop walking. Sometimes, you will get tired along the journey, but they will remind you about the faithfulness of God. How they deal with their problems will teach you about the ways of God. So expose yourself to those kinds of people. When you feel so down and disappointed, God will use them to comfort you. Stop listening to those who never really know your true identity. Choose to open your ears to the words that will bless your heart and soul.

You will never feel alone in the journey as long as you have good company. It may be challenging, but as long as you are surrounded by the right people, you will always have the strength you need. You will not feel bored along the way because they will share their experiences and how they cope with the trials they faced. Their stories will become part of your victories. Just listen to them and not on your own understanding. Keep your heart open so that God’s people can come in and help you along the journey.

Do not live this life on your own. Find a spiritual community where you can grow and be mature in the Lord. But just a disclaimer, don’t expect those communities to be perfect because they are also growing and learning like you. Just be patient and choose to grow with them. Life will be more fulfilling if you spend it with people who also love God. It feels so good to witness somebody’s growth and changes. One day, you will be part of a community that worships and glorify the Name of God.