
Surrounded by Blessings

Take a deep breath
Feel the air around you
That alone is a miracle
It’s already a huge blessing

Not all people are given a chance
To still breathe fresh air
Some are already relying on
A life support machine

So if God still gave you the chance
To see the sun and feel the wind
Then you are so blessed
He gave you another opportunity
To cherish this life

So be grateful for everything
That you have
You never know the importance
Of the small things
Not unless you go through
The toughest season in your life

When you are in so much pain
Because of physical sickness,
You will realize that simple things
Are part of God’s miracles
In fact, you are a living miracle

So do not waste your life
One way to say “thank you”
To your Creator
Is to make the most of everything
He provided for you

Live according to His purpose
Glorify Him in everything that you do
Pursue excellence not to please others
But to honor God’s name
That’s how you can make your life
More meaningful

Treasure the people around you
Do not waste your time
Just by gaining temporary treasures
Develop solid relationships
Set your eyes on God
And you will see more of His blessings

Don’t wait for things to be too late
While you still have the chance
While you are still breathing,
Do everything that you can
To make His name known
Let your life be a vessel of His blessings