• His Word

    Day 413 – Luke 6:44

    Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. Luke 6:44, NIV You will know the heart of the person by looking at his fruits. Try to observe the way he acts and treats other people. Only then will you recognize if the person is good or not. On the other hand, if you are wondering about what’s inside, then try to be conscious about the way you react to certain things in your life. Observe your attitude towards other people, especially when you experience painful things from them. Try to listen to the words that come out of your…

  • Self Development

    Use the Circumstances around You to Grow and Flourish

    Whether it is good or bad, bitter or sweet, joy or sadness, sickness or health, whatever season you are in, you always have the chance to grow and prosper. Everything that happened in your life has a purpose. Most of the time, you won’t appreciate them especially when you still feel the pain, but later on, you will realize the lessons behind those difficult moments. So don’t be disappointed if you go through so many problems because that means God is giving you the chance to learn more about Him. Your circumstances will push you to do the things you’ve never done before. It gives you the chance to step…

  • Self Development

    When you think Negative Things about Yourself

    “I am not worthy. I am a failure. I am a loser. I am not beautiful. I am not smart. I’m so dumb. I’m not enough.” These are just some of the negative thoughts that a person declares to herself. We all go through this season when it seems like we can’t trust ourselves. And it’s not because of what happens around us, but it’s because of the things that are hidden within. What we are doing is like self-ambush. We slowly kill our joy and live in misery. If we don’t stop putting ourselves down, then we can’t help but die on the inside. Your thoughts are more powerful…