• Faith

    God is Alive and Still Moving

    Painful tragedies, sudden death, uncontrollable disasters, poverty, corruption, and many more. These are the things that pushed some of us to believe that maybe God is sleeping because He allowed these bad situations to happen. Maybe He is not there because people are still suffering. Maybe He doesn’t care because innocent human beings are still going through traumatic experiences. We find it so easy to conclude that God no longer cares. We base our faith in Him according to what we go through and what we see in our environment, but faith is not like that. It exists even if you can see bad things around you. In fact, you…

  • His Word

    Day 449 – Luke 14:13-14

    But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous. Luke 14: 13-14, NIV Sometimes, we give so that we can receive something in return. But Jesus challenged us to give and serve those who cannot repay us. We need to always check our hearts. We should stop expecting something in return from the people that we serve. Let’s learn to give ourselves away out of the abundance of our hearts and not out of the longing we have inside. We are surrounded by people…

  • Poem

    God is your Provider

    He is not blind nor deafHe sees your heartAnd He knows all your worries He will take good care of youHe will give you what you needIn Him, you will always be safe God is your providerHe is your healerStand strong because He will be there Have faithDo not be discouragedGod already prepared your blessings Open your heartChoose to trust in HimExpect great things to happen