• Poem


    The process takes timeIt starts on the insideYou can’t physically see any changesBut the roots are growing deep within It’s not going to be an easy journeyAt first, it feels likeYou are buried in the groundAnd it’s so painful and exhausting But later onYou’ll slowly build the right foundationWhen everything is readyYou will sprout on the ground You will evolveYou will bloomAnd you’ll bear fruitsThat will bless so many people

  • Poem

    Dried Flower

    Not everything will lastChange is constantLife will not stay the same But what’s important isYou choose to bloomEven if it’s only temporary You focus on your own beautyAnd not on the changesThat you see You live lifeWith the best that you canEven if it lasts for a moment You choose to liveEven if you don’t knowWhen your time will end One day,You will stop bloomingAnd become a dried flower The old splendor is no longer thereBut it’s a great reminderThat you lived a life worth living

  • Self Development

    Bloom In The Place Where God Allowed You To Grow

    Maybe you think that you are not in the right place and everything that happened in your life is just an accident. But God has a plan, and it’s greater than what you have in mind. He allowed you to visit that place or that season because He wants you to keep on growing, and you will eventually bloom in His perfect timing. Do not wait for something to happen. Make the most of what you have right now and choose to prosper. Think of the good things in your life, and learn to magnify the blessings of God. When you choose to look at the brighter side, you will…

  • Faith

    You Will Bloom According To God’s Perfect Season

    It’s not yet your time. God is still preparing you for the right season. One day, you will bloom beautifully, and you will realize that the journey is really worth it. Do not be in a hurry. God created all of us to bloom in different seasons. Just trust God along the process. Instead of pulling yourself down, why not focus on those simple yet important achievements in your life. Believe that God will never waste all your efforts. He will make it fruitful. Just be faithful to Him and continue to follow His ways. God wants to give you the best in life. He doesn’t want you to settle…