• His Word

    Acts 15:19, NIV

    It is my judgement, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. Acts 15: 19, NIV While the apostles discuss what they need to do for the Gentiles, James reminds them that they should not make it difficult for their fellow believers who are turning to God. They need to help them get closer to Him without putting on any burdens that all the Jews themselves are not even willing to carry. Let this verse remind us that God wants us to help each other. We are not here to impose rules and laws for the sake of glorifying ourselves, but we…

  • Faith

    When the burden is too heavy, Come to God and Cry it out to Him

    Sometimes, the best thing to do is just to cry. People may think that you are weak and so vulnerable, but your tears have the power to purify your soul. Pour them out to God and tell Him everything. He knows the background story. You don’t even have to explain everything. He knows the reasons behind your tears. And even before you want to defend yourself in the presence of God, He is already fighting with you. Even before the very first drop of tears came out in your weary eyes, your loving Father is already doing some miracles behind the scene. He is sending His angels to comfort and…

  • Self Development

    Failures will Teach you what Genuine Humility Is

    The mistakes that you committed in the past can potentially open your eyes to the real status of your heart. How you react to them and the way you handle them will give you some ideas about how you see yourself. Sometimes, when we experience victories in life, we tend to put confidence in ourselves, thinking that we absolutely deserve the credit. And because of that mindset, we make decisions out of our own will and understanding. We fail to consider the desires of God and just do things that will satisfy our hearts. And the moment we experience the consequences of our choices, that’s when we realize that we…

  • Poem

    Stop Relying On Your Own Strength

    If you can’t control what’s happeningThen it simply meansthat you need to surrenderOffer to God all your worries and caresStop putting everything on your shoulders Some things are meant to be surrenderedIf you are tired and you think that you can’t make itThen you can always let God carry it for youTake His yoke, for it’s easierThan what you’ve been going throughHis burden is light, and in Him, you will find rest God will gently hold your handsSo do not face everything aloneGod wants to help youJust open your heart so that He can come inYour Heavenly Father is strong and kind He prepared a place in His heartwhere you…

  • Self Development

    What I Need Is Just Someone Who Will Listen

    I don’t really expect you to answer all my problems. I just want you to be there. I’m not looking for someone who will give me everything I need. I just want to be heard. You may think that I’m too reserved, and I don’t really want to share what I truly feel inside. It’s just I can’t find someone who will genuinely listen to me, someone I can consider as a true friend. It feels like every word from my mouth will evolve into a powerful weapon that they will use against me one day. I don’t know if somebody truly cares for me, but I also wanted to…