• His Word

    Day 291 – Proverbs 17:20

    One whose heart is corrupt does not prosper; one whose tongue is perverse falls into trouble.  Proverbs 17:20, NIV Check your heart and allow God to purify it. Do not let the works of the enemy hinder you from receiving the blessings that God prepared. Release the negative things you have inside and surrender them to your loving Father. Choose to align your thoughts to the principles of heaven. Avoid releasing words that will not bless somebody’s life. Let God cleanse you from the inside out, and you will experience more of His miracles. Sometimes, the reason why you haven’t received what you prayed for is because of the evil…

  • Self Development

    Check your Heart more often than you Check your Phone

    What’s going on inside your heart is more important than the notifications you receive on your phone. Humans exist without mobile phones, but not without a heart. So if you know that you are not feeling okay, and if you think that the pain is too deep. Then stop finding ways to get away from it. Stop using your phone and try to deal with your emotions. The entertainment of this world can never fill the empty spaces inside. What you need to do is to be more intentional in your healing process. You can take a break from using your gadgets and try to ask yourself if you are…