• Poem


    There’s a placeThat’s waiting for youWhen your life here on earth is throughEternity will be there to welcome you Heaven or HellEverlasting joy or eternal sufferingPeace or painYou can choose where you want to go Your life here on earthWill determine what’s aheadSo choose to save your soul firstBefore everything is too late Come to GodGrow closer to His armsAbide in His presenceAnd let Jesus reign in your heart He is the only OneWho can give you eternal joyJesus is the OneWho can redeem your soul

  • His Word

    Day 108 -Psalm 67:1

    May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine on us. Psalm 67:1, NIV We all need God’s grace and blessings. So don’t live this life on your own. Come to God and stay connected to Him. Seek His face and worship Him even in the midst of pain. Things may not be that easy for you. You may go through so many problems but do not stop praying because His light will always be there. He will guide and lead you to the right path. God is good, and His mercy is new every morning. Do not let the obstacles you face hinder you…

  • Self Development

    You are Not Meant to do Everything Alone

    There are seasons in life when you just can’t find a helping hand, but that doesn’t mean you need to do everything on your own. You are not meant to be alone. God purposely created you to be part of a family or community. That’s why stop living as if nobody cares for you. Open your eyes and look at the people around you. Sometimes, God will use them to bless your life. And you will fail to appreciate them if you are very close-minded. Allow Him to change your perspective, and you will see others using His lens of love. One day, the pain inside will no longer hinder…

  • His Word

    Day 86 – Psalm 42:1

    As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. Psalm 42:1,NIV If you feel so thirsty and empty inside, call upon God, and He will always be there for you. He will satisfy your heart, and He will make you whole. Do not depend on the temporary things that this world can give. Stop relying on other people. Come to God, and He will comfort you. Focus on His love, and you will be filled. He will make you feel secure. He will provide for what you need. So if you feel so weak, then stay in His presence, and He will never…

  • Faith

    God will help you Experience Breakthroughs

    Your life will never stay the same as long as you are in the presence of God. He will inspire you to keep moving and pursue the desires that He planted in your heart. In Him, you will experience a breakthrough. So if you feel so stagnant in your season right now, keep connecting to the Creator of this universe, and He will open your eyes to the opportunities you fail to recognize. He has already provided you with enough resources that will help you reach your cherished dreams. And all you need to do is abide in His will and keep on listening to Him. Let Him be your…

  • Poem

    When there’s Something Wrong Within

    If you think that you are the problemIf you know that there’s something wrong withinThen maybe, the pain that you feelIs all because of how you see yourself Sometimes, we tend to blame other peopleBut we fail to take a look at ourselvesWe think that we are controlled by their actionsBut the truth is, you always have the choice You are in charge of your own lifeIf you think that you need to change something withinThen don’t be afraid to admit it in the presence of GodYou can always call upon His nameAnd He will be there to help you If you know that you have problems within,Then learn to…