• Poem

    Faithful Father

    He is my comfortMy only providerIn Him, I find strengthTo overcome my problems He remained so kindEven when I commit mistakesHe is so patientEven when I question my faith He holds my handsEven when I can’t see His lightHe is always thereHugging me so tight He is my faithful FatherThe One who quench my thirstHe remains the sameEven when I fail He never changesHis love is always perfectHe kept me in His heartEven when I walk away from His presence

  • His Word

    Day 137 – Psalm 91:1

    Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Pslam 91:1,NIV When you are so tired and weary because of your situation, then come to God and let Him comfort you. Dwell in His shelter, and you will feel whole and complete. In Him, you will find rest. There is peace in His presence. Don’t carry the burdens on your own. Call upon His Name, and His presence will be there. Threat Him as you strong tower. When the storms around you feel so scary, then come to His arms, and you will feel so loved. He will cover you with His…

  • His Word

    Day 124 – Psalm 84:10

    Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. psaLm 84:10, NIV When you encounter the love of God, you will realize that being in His house is better than any place here on earth. Spending all your days with Him is more precious than all the riches you can acquire in this world. He will quench the thirst in your heart. In Him, there is peace and joy. You will always find comfort in His arms. This world can only give you temporary pleasures, but the love…

  • Poem

    Crying is part of Healing

    Tears, just keep on fallingDon’t hold backFlow and release all the pain Hide in the arms of your LoverDon’t fight the battle on your ownCome to Him and seek His comfort You may feel aloneAnd it seems likeYou are about to burst But always rememberThat you are allowed to feel sadIt’s okay to be vulnerable Crying is part of healingIt’s like a sincere prayerIt’s an act of surrender

  • Self Development

    Take the Time you need and Regain your Strength

    Stop pressuring yourself. Go, find some rest and take the time you need. Do the things that you love and regain your strength. Life will never stop giving you challenges, and what you need to do is find time to recharge and build your foundation inside. Do not be too focused on the things that you want to happen. You need to take a break. Do it not just for yourself but also for those people who love you. Save yourself from stress. Look for things that will make you feel relaxed and relieved. Feed your soul. Nourish your heart. Think of positive thoughts. Remember that your physical health will…

  • His Word

    Day 43 – Psalm 12:5

    “Because the poor are plundered and the needy groan, I will now arise,” says the Lord. “I will protect them from those who malign them.” Psalm 12:5, NIV God knows what you are going through. He knows what happened to you, and He will provide for what you need. He will always be there to protect you. So trust in Him even if you feel like life is unfair. Do not focus on the bad things that happened. Instead, keep your faith in Him and do be afraid. He will give you the courage. He is the great judge, and that means He will give you the justice that you…

  • Self Development

    The only way to Overcome Pain is to Face it

    It’s not easy. It’s going to be heartbreaking. Your tears will keep on flowing. But that’s the only way to overcome pain. You really need to acknowledge that it hurts deep within. Remember that you can’t let go of something you never hold on to in the first place. That’s why don’t avoid it because it will only grow bigger and deeper if you keep on denying it to yourself. Facing the truth is one of the most difficult parts of the healing process. But it’s going to be fulfilling and rewarding in the end. So whatever it is that you are trying to hide deep within, know that God…

  • Poem

    It’s Okay

    Yes, you criedYou feel the painYou are disappointedAnd lonely inside But it’s okayYou are humanYou have your emotionsAnd life is not perfect Acknowledge what’s insideAnd never deny itAccept what’s happeningAnd honor your feelings God understands youHe knows everythingHe will send comfortHe will wipe away your tears It’s okay to cry in His presencePour out everythingAnd share to HimAll your burdens

  • Poem

    Rest In His Presence

    God’s arms will comfort youHis love will give you peaceAnd His joy will be your strength If you are too tiredAnd so broken insideJust close your eyes Imagine that He is holding your handsHe is sitting beside youAnd He is collecting all your tears Just rest in His presenceLean on His shouldersAnd cry out everything to Him He is listeningHe knows your painAnd He will give you courage God will waitUntil you are readyTo take another step But until thenJust pause for a whileAnd embrace His amazing grace

  • Faith

    God Knows The Story Behind Your Tears

    You don’t have to speak or describe what you truly feel inside. If you just can’t find the exact words that you wanted to share with God, then just let your tears flow and cry out everything in His presence. He will comfort you. He knows the story behind your tears. Just let Him embrace you in your season right now. Be vulnerable in His presence and submit to God everything that you feel. Do not be afraid. God will not judge or condemn you. He knows the things that you are going through. So rest in His arms and receive His peace. God will give you enough strength so…