• His Word

    Acts 20: 23-24, NIV

    I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. Acts 20: 23-24, NIV Paul knew the hardships he would experience in every city he visited. But even if he was aware of the dangers that were waiting for him, Paul didn’t give up. He considered his life worth nothing to him. He focused on the purpose of God. He set His…

  • Poem


    I feel wholeI feel completeI feel satisfiedAll because of Him It’s not about my wealthNor my knowledge and skillsIt’s not about my successNor my efforts and strengths But it’s all aboutHis great loveEverything is all aboutHis amazing grace I live and breatheBecause of His goodnessI am here on earthAll because of Him His peace is more than enoughFor me to say that I’m so blessedIn the arms of GodI know I already have everything I need

  • Poem

    It’s How you Look at Yourself

    It’s not about what people say about youNor the way they treat youIt’s how you look at yourself What other people are sayingCan never affect youIf you know who you truly are So focus on your creatorListen to HimBecause He knows you so well He looks at your heartAnd He sees all your strugglesHe is aware of what you are thinking Embrace His loveAnd He will changeThe way you look at yourself In Him,You will feel wholeAnd complete People may not treat you wellBut what matters mostIs who you truly are on the inside