• His Word

    Day 260 – 1 Corinthians 3:11

    For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 corinthians 3:11, NIV Jesus is the strongest foundation you could ever have. Sometimes, we tend to anchor our security according to the riches that we acquire here on earth. But, we forget that worldly things are just temporary. Only Jesus can save us from the storms in life. That’s why we need to keep our faith in Him so that we will not be easily shaken by the trials that we will face. When you feel so weak inside, just come back to your core foundation, and that’s the love Jesus showed…

  • His Word

    Day 222 – Acts 4:11

    Jesus is “‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’ Acts 4:11, NIV Jesus knows how it feels like to be rejected. People tend to reject Him before, and they never realized that He is the cornerstone. He is our strongest foundation.  So when you feel rejected by the people around you. Then always remember that Jesus also understands what you truly feel inside because He also went through it. But choose to treat Him as your cornerstone. In Him, you will always find enough courage and strength. He will sustain you until the end, and you will always be victorious in His arms. Just put your faith…