• His Word

    Paul Patiently Dealt With The Disciples According To God’s Ways

    When he came to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a disciple. Acts 9:26, NIV When Saul went to Jerusalem years after encountering Jesus in Damascus, the disciples were hesitant to welcome him. Before Saul met Jesus, he persecuted Christians and threatened their lives. He put them in prison, and many of them suffered because of him. This must’ve been why the disciples in Jerusalem found it hard to accept him. I would have probably felt the same way if I had worn their shoes. Fear would possibly dominate my heart, especially when I recall the…

  • Faith

    What If What’s Waiting For You On The Other Side Is Not Death But Resurrection?

    Have you ever felt that kind of fear that paralyzes you to take another step? Because of the negative things you experience and the pain you are carrying, you tend to withdraw and step back from what God commanded. There are questions in your head. You are doubting God’s presence and grace. You are wondering if what’s waiting for you is death or life. If you feel this way right now, this reminder is for you. Jesus’ disciples also felt scared when their Master wanted to return to where He was stoned and persecuted. In John 11:4-8, it says there: When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not…

  • His Word

    Acts 16:34, NIV

    The jailer brought them into His house and set a meal before them; he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God – he and his whole household. Acts 16:34, NIV From feeling fearful to being filled with joy, this is what the jailer experienced when He met Jesus. He attempted to kill himself because he thought that the prisoners escaped, but God did something amazing in his life. God’s disciples were there and tried to stop him. Paul and Silas shared with him who Jesus is, and then He believed. The jailer brought the disciples to his house, and his whole household came to believe…

  • Faith

    Choosing Jesus is not always that easy, but it’s worth it

    Walking with Jesus is like going through a narrow road. You will experience hardships. Many times, you will find it difficult to choose Him over the temporary pleasures that this world could offer. You are like in a middle of a war wherein you need to fight against your own desires. Because many times, God’s will is so different from what our flesh wants. This is the reason why Jesus told His disciples that to follow Him somehow means carrying your own cross. You need to constantly give up the temporary things that you want so that you will receive eternal gifts from God. It’s a hard choice because it…

  • His Word

    Acts 8:4, NIV

    Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. Acts 8:4, NIV The apostles and the disciples of Christ experienced great persecution that caused them to be scattered throughout Judea and Samaria. But even though they went through suffering, they never stopped preaching God’s word. They introduced the good news wherever they went. They didn’t let themselves be discouraged and feel weary. Instead, it caused them to expose the gospel to a wider audience. Just like the apostles, we also went through unexpected events that will either weaken or strengthen our faith. But let’s remember what they did before. They didn’t allow their emotions and fear to reign.…

  • His Word

    Acts 6:7, NIV

    So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith. Acts 6:7, NIV God’s word spread not just because of the efforts of the disciples, but the Holy Spirit was with them. God never fails to give them the wisdom that they need, especially in handling the ministry. He was there holding their hands and giving them more than enough grace and strength. You see, if you are like the disciples who are working for the glory of God, then claim this verse as one of His promises. The Holy Spirit is always there to…

  • His Word

    Acts 2:4, NIV

    All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Acts 2:4, NIV As Jesus promised His disciples, He sent the Holy Spirit to help them. After He ascended to heaven, the disciples gathered in one place, and there, Jesus proved to them that His words were true. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled them. They saw supernatural things, and that’s when they realized what it feels like to truly receive the great Helper. You see, Jesus will fulfill His promises. He is true to His words. And His instructions…

  • His Word

    Acts 1:3, NIV

    After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. Acts 1:3, NIV Jesus is alive. He won the victory. His disciples witnessed the physical evidence of the biggest miracle that this world had ever experienced. Jesus rose again. It means that He already conquered death. He didn’t even stay with His disciples for only a few hours. Instead, He appeared to them over a period of forty days. Jesus didn’t leave them without preparing their hearts. He continued to speak about the Kingdom of God.…

  • His Word

    John 20: 30-31, NIV

    Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book.  But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. John 20:30- 31, NIV John wrote the gospel according to his own version so that He may introduce the Messiah to us. Jesus performed so many signs in the presence of His disciples, and not all of them are recorded in the Bible. But even though we don’t know everything that happened in the past, still what’s written in the scripture is more than…

  • His Word

    John 20:22, NIV

    And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. John 20:22, NIV Jesus didn’t leave His disciples on their own. He sent the Holy Spirit to guide and lead them. Even though our Savior ascended to Heaven, He still continued to protect and walk with His followers through the Holy Spirit. If you happen to be one of His disciples, then know that the Holy Spirit is always with you. If you treat Jesus as your Lord and King, then rest assured that His presence is there to guide you all throughout the journey. You may go through painful moments, but Jesus walks with you. He…