• Self Development

    Take things one at a time

    Doubt kills more dreams than fear. That is because, even before we attempt to do something, our thoughts are already a mile away, creating things that never really happened. Of course, our minds will always create doubts, but that doesn’t mean you need to follow them. Sometimes, when you are given an opportunity, you can’t help but overthink until you reach the point of constantly doubting yourself. Doubt is not a bad thing, we all go through with it, but it is a matter of how you will handle it. When you listen to your doubts, it will shake your core. And it does not stop there. It will also…

  • Uncategorized

    If God calls you to do something, He knows you have what it takes

    Some struggle to believe in themselves that they can do what they are called for. Sometimes, opportunities suddenly open before you, and although you want them, you fear not making them. You are afraid because you cannot predict what will happen. Your mind is always a step ahead of your present. It builds hypothetical situations that make you worry even more.  If you look closely and pay more attention to your present, you will realize that your stress and worries aren’t really there. You do not need them at the moment. Because the thing that is holding you back is not yet happening. They are just thoughts. You are way…

  • Faith

    Live Your Present Like it’s The Only Time You Have

    You can’t avoid getting too bombarded with what to do to get your goals. There are times when your mind just freely wonders what is to happen until it reaches the point that it’ll trap you with worries and concerns about things that are not yet happening. You get so concerned about what might happen that in every step you take, you can’t ignore but doubt what’s coming. You base your decisions on your past and things that happened where you lay your regrets into. Because of it, you fill your life with something that you seem too particular about what would happen, even if nothing is happening yet.  When…

  • His Word

    Day 213 – James 1:6

    But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. James 1:6, NIV Believe and keep your faith. What you experience right now may be the opposite of what you prayed for, but choose to trust God and stop listening to the negative voices inside your head. Receive the blessings that you asked from your Heavenly Father. He is listening, and He will give you the best things in life. Do not doubt in His goodness. Remember the miracles He did in your life, and know that He will never change. He…

  • His Word

    Day 339 – James 1:6

    But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. James 1:6, NIV Have faith in God. When you ask, believe with all your heart that God will give you what you need. Do not let the doubt reign in your mind. Remind yourself about His great power and love. Imagine that God already prepared what you’ve been praying for. Do not stop talking to Him because He is listening. You may not feel His presence sometimes, but know that He will never leave you. His grace will continue to sustain you…

  • Faith

    Questioning Your Worth Is Like Doubting The One Who Created You

    You are always enough. Yes, you find it hard to discover your purpose here on earth, but always remember that your life is not an accident. God intentionally made you in His own image. So stop questioning your worth because it’s like you doubt the one who created you in the first place. God never commits mistakes. Remember that He is perfect, and you are part of His plans. Just come to His presence and share your heart with Him. He understands you, and He will help you process everything. Just learn to trust in Him and stop comparing yourself to others. You are unique and special. God prepared a…

  • His Word

    Day 150 – Mark 10:15

    Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” MArk 10:15, NIV Receive the kingdom of God like a child. Stop doubting and take away all the negative thoughts you have inside. Have faith and do not entertain your worries and anxieties. Remind yourself that God is great and His kingdom is so much better than what this world can offer. A childlike faith means you will stop seeking answers. Instead, you will choose to walk and take the next step even if you don’t know what’s ahead. You will believe even if what’s happening around you is…