Sometimes, you need to make an Effort to Learn things in Life
Lessons could come into your life for free, and they could come in different forms depending on your season. It could come after making a big decision, going through a difficult path, and being able to have a teachable heart. It could also come after meeting people, knowing their stories, understanding their struggles, and admiring their strength in building courage despite the fear of the outcome. Life lessons are vital since they will guide you in your next journey. Most of the time, they don’t come with a price, but they need time and silence to be heard and processed within you. You need to understand and look more closely…
Don’t expect for a Relationship to last if you didn’t even invest enough time for it
Every relationship is a two-way process. It won’t work if only one will make time for it. It’s true in different kinds of relationships – family, friends, partners, and above all, with God. You need to invest enough time so that it will grow stronger. Remember that we all experience changes in life, we learn new things, and we go through different challenges. The situation that we face will transform our perspective and our character. So if we won’t do something with our relationships, then we will surely grow apart from the people we love. Remember that real treasures can’t be found in the material things you can acquire. They…
May you Realize that Your Value is not Based on What you Do
You are who you are not because of the things that you do for others. You are important not because of your ability and strength. God accepts you not because you choose to serve Him. He loves you even before you know Him, even before you are born here on earth, even before you learned to praise and worship His name. You are so valuable not because you tried so hard just to gain everybody’s approval. You are accepted even before you do anything. So stop trying to do your best just to know your worth. Do not look at yourself according to your accomplishments. You deserve love simply because…