• Faith

    May you never Forget God in Everything that you Do

    God never leaves your side. There may be days when you feel like you are on your own, but God’s hands are there. He is orchestrating your story in ways you can never imagine. He is preparing the people that you need. He is leading you to better opportunities. He is giving you countless chances to grow. That’s how faithful God is in your life. So do not forget Him. Acknowledge His presence in everything that you do, regardless of what you feel. Do not take your relationship with Him for granted. He wanted you to know His heart even more. He wanted you to be aware of His presence…

  • Faith

    As long as God is with you, Enemies don’t have Power against you

    Stay in God’s presence. This world has a lot to offer for your own entertainment and happiness, but not all of them will do you good in the long run. Enemies are not just those who can talk back at you; they looked harmless at first. They will not affect you directly. But they will accumulate and come back to you more assertively, making you defenseless if you are not careful enough. However, the one living in you is stronger than your enemies. That is, stay close to God. Consciously involve Him in everything that you do. Plan with Him and always ask for His wisdom. Fill your mind with…

  • His Word

    Day 157 – Psalm 108:13

    With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies. Psalm 108:13, niv You will gain victory in the arms of God. Keep your faith in Him and stop worrying. You may find it hard to overcome your problems, but always remember that God is with you. He will trample down your enemies. He will make you feel safe and protected. God will walk with you, so do not be afraid. Claim the victory in His presence. Do not rely on your strength. Sometimes, you find it hard to overcome your problems because you are fighting on your own. Claim the promises of God and believe…

  • His Word

    Day 100 – Psalm 60:12

    With God we will gain the victory, and He will trample down our enemies. Psalm 60:12, NIV The problems and challenges you face will end simply because you are meant to overcome them. With God, you will gain victory. In Him, you will feel secure and protected. So do not be discouraged, especially if you can’t see His hands moving. Keep your faith because He will trample down your enemies. Believe in His promises and move forward. Be confident in His presence. Rejoice and claim His blessings! He will move in ways you can never imagine. He is watching over you, and He is performing miracles behind the scene. I…

  • Self Development

    Choosing Happiness is the Best Response to your Enemies

    Revenge can never give you peace. You may think that it can make you feel so satisfied, but the truth is, it will only make things worse. So instead of putting your enemies down, try to lift yourself up and choose to be happy. That’s the best response you can do against all the painful things they did to you. It means that you are showing to them that they are not that important, and your happiness can never be taken away just because of the negative things that they did. Facing them may be painful at first, but you will overcome everything as long as you choose to find…

  • His Word

    Day 79 – Psalms 18:3

    I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I have been saved from my enemies. Psalms 18:3, NIV Call upon the Name of the Lord, and He will save you from your enemies. God is powerful enough to defeat the giants in your life. Never underestimate His power. When you feel scared, remember the love of God and let Him embrace you. Choose to worship Him, even in chaos. Lift up your hands and proclaim His name. Surrender all your worries, and God will help you. Do not rely on your own understanding. Instead, let God reign in your life and follow His ways. He will teach you…