• Poem

    Take your Time

    Keep walkingNever stop trying new thingsTake your timeAnd enjoy the journey with Him It’s okay to failIt’s okay to commit mistakesJust take your timeAnd process the lessons you learned Do not be in a hurryRemember that life is a journeySo take your timeAnd treasure your days here on earth There are so many thingsThat you need to discoverSo please don’t be pressuredWith your own plans and schedule Take your timeBuild sweet memoriesAnd your journey here on earthWill never be wasted

  • Self Development

    Choose to Enjoy the Blessings that God Provided for you

    You are surrounded by countless blessings. You just need to open your eyes so that you can see them. Choose to enjoy the blessings of God because that’s how you will see His hands and appreciate His ways. Focus on the positive things that happened around you. If you only knew how blessed you are, you will probably stop comparing yourself to others. Instead, you will learn to use what you have to glorify God in your life. You will see a lot of opportunities, and you will realize that God loves you so much. Learn to appreciate the simple things around you. Remember that you will never be who…