Focus on Eternal Things
This world is broken. There will be times when we experience pain and problems, and there will be unfair situations along the way. This is why we need to set our eyes on eternal things. If we just focus on the situations of this world, we will easily lose hope and feel disappointed. The negative things around us will consume our souls, and living a fulfilled life will be impossible. When we also fix our eyes on the temporary things of this world, we will no longer consider the eternal consequences of our choices. We will live as if our life ends after death. We will try to do the…
Short-lived Pleasures can Never make you Whole
Only the everlasting love of God can complete you. The entertainment of this world, the riches that you acquire, and all your wealth, those things can never fill in the empty spaces in your heart. Yes, you will feel happy and entertained for a while, but it will never last. You need something that will take you to eternity. You need God in your life. The short-lived pleasures in your life can’t heal the wounds in your heart. His power alone can make you feel so fulfilled within. So come to Him and focus on building your faith. When you choose to put Him at the center, your life will…