• His Word

    Romans 12:16, NIV

    Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. Romans 12:16, NIV Be humble. God may give you the authority to lead other people, but it doesn’t mean you are greater than them. They may have weaknesses and so many things to learn, but remember that you are just like them. So, do not use your position to mistreat others. Instead, use what God gave you to bless and serve them. Choose to offer your life to those people whom God entrusted you. Learn to value their existence and never forget that they are also…

  • His Word

    Day 374 – Proverbs 9:8

    Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you; rebuke the wise and they will love you. Proverbs 9:8, NIV Wise person knows how to humbly accept corrections. It may not be that easy for them to fully digest the things that they learned from someone, but they will choose to process the suggestions that they received from their reliable friends. So if you wanted to be filled by the wisdom of God, then allow Him to use the people around you to teach you what to do. Sometimes, He will not just personally reveal to you His instructions, but He will send the right one who can direct and…

  • Faith

    God gives you the chance to live and be Named with your Worth and Purpose

    Our existence in this world varies in different stages. As humans of complex nature, we also have different needs and wants. We are accompanied by different beliefs and cultures. We are shaped by various environments, raised, and taken care of in different ways. But as we progress, we realize an internal need for purpose. As adults, we live life in a way we are called to. We want to be bound with purpose as a form of force that helps us to go on and live life. In doing things we need to do, we sometimes branch ourselves from a purpose that will help us be on the right track.…

  • Poem

    The Purpose

    Life will make senseThe moment you discoverThe purpose why you existIn the first place Emptiness will fadeWhen you learn to faceThe truth behindThe reason for your existence And you can’t find itFrom the applause of other peopleNor the honor that you getFrom doing what others are saying Your purpose lies withinAnd only Your creatorKnows the exact reasonOf your existence So stop looking for answerIn the wrong placesStop finding meaningFrom temporary things Listen to your Loving FatherFor He knows you by heartHe alone can reveal to youThe purpose why you are here on earth