Day 361- Luke 1:80
And the child grew and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel. Luke 1:80, NIV This verse was referring to John. With the help of God, he grew strong in spirit. But He was not exposed directly to the public. Our Heavenly Father guided John in the wilderness. He was there training him for the purpose that He planted in his heart. Just like you, John also experienced moments in the dessert. But God can turn your wilderness season into a preparation. In those times, you will experience so much pain and heartaches, but trust that He is there to give…
The darkness that you Experience will Expose the Hidden truth Inside
The unexpected events of your life will reveal to you the important things that you need to deal with. The darkness that you walkthrough will help you see the hidden truth that you are trying to neglect. You will fail to realize how deep the wounds are if you never encounter difficult moments. Everything that God allowed you to experience will help you grow and become a better person as long as you are humble enough to acknowledge the truth deep inside you. It may hurt at first, and you may find it hard to accept things the way they are. But that’s the only way for you to be…
Expose yourself to the Things that will Remind you of God’s Goodness
If you are wondering why you keep on thinking about your worries in life, then maybe you always listen to the negative things around you. When you fill your mind with bad thoughts, you will find it hard to overcome your problems. Be in an environment where you will be reminded about God’s goodness. Surround yourself with people who will inspire you to keep moving. Minimize your time with those who keep on sharing bad news. Watch inspirational videos. Listen to good sermons. And above all, read the word of God. He will remind you about His promises. And in Him, you will always receive the strength that you need…