• His Word

    Day 399 – Proverbs 3:7

    Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. Proverbs 3:7, NIV Submit to God and choose to consult with Him. Be guided by His words, and always remember that He knows what’s ahead. Do not rely on your own understanding. There may be things that you already know, but keep in mind that tomorrow is always uncertain. You never really know what will happen next. So stop focusing on your own will. Instead, follow God and fear Him. Acknowledge His grace in your life. And submit to Him all your worries and cares. Listen to His voice, for He is always directing you. Let…

  • His Word

    Day 183 – Psalm 128:1-2

    Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Psalms 128:1-2,NIV Abide in the will of God and keep on obeying Him. You may not always comprehend His ways, but trust that He sees your heart. He will bless the seeds that you planted for His glory. When the time is right, you will eat the fruit of your labor. You will see His wonderful miracles. Keep doing the right thing, and God will bless you. Know that everything you are doing for His glory will never be in vain. He will…