Now I Know What “All Glory To God” Really Means
I really thought that it’s a simple expression that Christians use to say in church. But little did I know that the words, “All glory to God” means so much. It’s a powerful reminder that we live according to His grace, and God simply deserves all the glory. We are nothing without Him, and every blessing we receive comes from Him. God destined us to do great things that are beyond our natural ability. He wanted to show us what it means to live according to His love and grace. And that simply means that every gift that you have comes from Him. If you learn to steward it properly, you will…
God’s Grace Is Not Cheap
We all commit mistakes, and at some point in our lives, we did something terrible in God’s eyes. That’s why nobody really deserves the grace of God. It’s something that is very precious and should not be wasted. Jesus showed to us what grace means and it’s never a cheap thing. It takes the pain and His blood just for us to have it. So make sure that you treasure the grace of God in your life. Just because God has been so gracious to us doesn’t mean we can commit sins over and over again. God’s grace is so precious, and it’s more than just saving us from our…
God’s Love Is Powerful Than Your Sins
If you think that God is silent because you have so many mistakes in life, then you are wrong. God will continue to bless you with enough grace until you realize that nothing can separate you from Him. His love is the reason why you still receive a lot of blessings right now, even if you think you don’t even deserve it. Your sins can never define you. God alone knows your identity because He simply created you. Whatever it is that keeps on bothering you right now, surrender it all to God. If you committed a terrible sin in front of Him and His people, learn to ask for…
It’s All Because Of God’s Grace
Everything I have right now is all because of God. All the blessings that I received come from Him. I know that I’m simply nothing without Him. I owe my life to God, and I can’t make it this far without His great love. He led me to the right path, and He never let me go, not even once. All my life, I’ve been striving hard just to achieve the things that I’ve been dreaming of. I thought that everything is all about my own effort and understanding. I need to work hard and persevere so that I will be successful in life. Later on, I realized that my…