• Faith

    Worship won’t always Solve the Problem, but it gives you so much Peace and Courage

    You can never control the circumstances that you will experience. You never really know what lies ahead. Sometimes, life will throw challenges that are too heavy to carry. But you need to remember that God will always give you remedy. His grace is always accessible, and most of the time, you will be more sensitive to His moving the moment you raise your hands in worship. Sing praises to His name and surrender all your worries and cares. Lift up His name despite the pain that you are carrying. You may not always receive the solution to your problems, but rest assured that God will give you the peace and…

  • His Word

    Romans 2:13, NIV

    For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. Romans 2: 13, NIV It is not just about hearing and knowing what is written in the law of God. Those who choose to obey will be declared righteous. You need to put everything that you learned into action. God sees you as righteous if you will obey Him even in seasons when you are in pain or having a hard time. Do it not to honor others or even yourself but do what’s right to glorify God in your life. Remember…