• His Word

    The Man Was Healed Not Because Of His Own Effort, But Because He Listened And Kept His Faith

    In Lystra there sat a man who was lame. He had been that way from birth and had never walked. He listened to Paul as he was speaking. Paul looked directly at him, saw that he had faith to be healed and called out, “Stand up on your feet!” At that, the man jumped up and began to walk. Acts 14:8-10, NIV There was this man who knew how it felt like to lack something. Perhaps, all throughout his life, he was looking for hope and healing. And here comes Paul, trying to present him the possible answers to his prayers. He listened to his message and received the hope…

  • His Word

    Day 484 – John 5:8-9

    Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked. John 5:8-9, niv Jesus is your healer. If you are like the crippled man who wants to get well, then you can claim this verse today. Jesus made him walked again. He set him free from the bondages that he experienced. If you are asking God to do the same thing, and you haven’t received His miracle yet, then keep your faith. Don’t stop praying. Jesus hears your prayers. Declare healing in your life and remember who Jesus is. If you feel hopeless and…

  • Self Development

    To those who Experienced Pain from the People they Love

    You will be okay. It may not happen instantly, but your heart will be fully healed. You may not understand the reason why you need to go through that season, but God will be there to give you the strength that you need. Remember that those who choose to love despite the pain are the real warriors in life. You are an extraordinary person, not because of the things that you can do, but because you humbly follow God’s will despite what you feel. Keep going, and don’t be afraid to love again. It may take time for you to finally learn what it means to serve and accept others,…

  • Poem

    Hope and Healing

    A bent twig can’t be restoredA broken glass can’t be wholeBut a wounded heart can be healedA lost mind can go back to its senses An empty well can be filledA pointless life can find meaningA clueless mind can learn new thingsA messed up past can be redeemed In life, there are endingsBut we also have what we called“Hope and Healing”We can still experience a new beginning

  • Poem

    His Delight

    Take JoyBe happyStop thinking of your worriesChoose to surrender all your cares Trust GodKeep your faithBelieve in His loveClaim His promises Always rememberThat it’s His delightTo see you fully healedAnd completely restored So come in His armsEmbrace His graceReceive His forgivenessAnd be blessed Rejoice in His presenceFocus on His loveKnow that you are God’s treasureYou are His beloved

  • Poem

    Things will get Better

    The rain will stop fallingYou will no longer cry in painBecause soonThings will get better No one knowsWhen it will exactly happenBut one thing is for sureGod’s grace is sufficient So stand upKeep walkingYour life may appear so darkBut better days are coming Your heart will be healedYour past will be restoredTime will comeWhen your life will be transformed