• Self Development

    Obeying the commands of God is like telling “I Love You Too” to Him

    God gave us certain commands because He wants to protect and lead us to the future that He prepared. He loves us so much that He gave us instructions and guidelines about how to live this life according to His will. He alone knows what’s ahead. He is aware of the things that are waiting for us. God knows what we need to prepare for us to victoriously fight the battles in the future. There are just times when we can’t understand the reason behind all His commands. In our eyes, it seems so meaningless. We would often ask Him why we need to go through certain pain. We sometimes…

  • His Word

    Day 400 – Luke 6:12

    One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. Luke 6:12, NIV Jesus went to the mountainside to pray despite His busy schedule. He is already perfect and Holy, but He demonstrated to us how to abide in God’s will. He still has that humble heart to consult our heavenly Father about the best thing to do. He submitted to His commands, and He didn’t rely on His own will. Sometimes, the activities that we have will lead us to forget our prayer time. But may we always remind ourselves to do what is right in the eyes of God,…

  • His Word

    Day 260 – Philippians 2:14

    Do everything without grumbling or arguing, Philippians 2:14, NIV Sometimes, when we are too occupied with so many challenges in life, we tend to complain to God and forget the blessings that He gave us. We must remember that grumbling or arguing with each other can never solve our problems. Instead, we need to learn how to patiently wait for God’s answers. Let’s stop relying on our own understanding. Let’s focus on the word of God and obey His commands. Let’s turn our grumbling into a hymn of praise to God. We need to honor Him through the words that we speak and through our thoughts. I pray that we…